Sunday, November 28, 2010

Wk. 10: Biophysics & Oriental Medicine

According to Wikipedia, Biophysics is an interdisciplinary science that uses the methods of physical science to study biological systems…from the molecular scale to whole organisms and ecosystems.”

TCM is similar to Biophysics in that it strives to understand the individual as the microcosm, against the background of the macrocosm of the local universe and ultimately the cosmos.  And so we have our different ‘systems’ approaches to an organism: from digestive to circulatory, respiratory to nervous…and each of these informs the others and interconnects with them, through the larger overarching discipline of TCM. 

Also, like Biophysics, TCM employs different tools and practices to inform our understanding of an organism; using underlying theories of energy flow to formulate a diagnosis, and employing the recommended therapies of acupuncture, Chinese herbs, tuina/tai chi/ gi gong, lifestyle counseling and food therapy to return balance to the system as a whole.

So, from my perspective, Biophysics and TCM are very similar, approaching the same issue of health, from the differing perspectives of East and West, and the cultural contexts from which each sprang.

Wk 10: I know I’m a living system because…

One of the definitions of Living Systems is having a “history of never-ending transformation”… another definition for a Living System is “Autopoiesis“ (which means auto-production) as cognized by Varela, Maturana and Uribe is one in which the “system is constantly in the act of becoming themselves.  This includes: changing and interacting with their environment in a conscious way”.   In which case, my life definitely qualifies.  If there is one thing that is the hallmark of my experience, it is transformation.  In fact the quintessential metaphor for this, of a caterpillar turning into a butterfly, is an iconic image that has come to me many times in meditation and ceremony.

On the external level of career I have repeatedly transformed myself, going from the Music Industry to Film & Video, to Multi-media, to the web and finally to being an organic farmer/body worker and student of acupuncture.

Interpersonally, my primary partner relationship has transformed over my life  (whether I wanted it to at the time –or- not!) as one relationship ended and another began.  And of course, throughout all of this, my internal environment, (my mind/psyche, emotions and spirit) has grown and changed as well, as I embrace different belief systems and worldviews.   And of course, my body has gone through (and continues to go through) changes and shifts of weight, and health, as it encounters the challenges of accidents, dis-ease, stress and life’s experiences.

When I look at all of this within the context of my astrological chart, it can all be seen mapped out before me, as the planetary periods tick-off the space-time coordinates.  And given this over arching framework for my life, that astrology provides, I would have to say, that yes…through out all this growth, development and change, the constant is that I am ever becoming more and more who I have come to know as my essential self.

Wk. 9 Can I synthesize East & West?

I think of East & West as the two halves of our brain: left and right.  The East/left brain is more linear, logical, detail-driven, individualistic, scientific fact ruled, words & language based; whereas the East/right brain is more holistic, analogic, big-picture oriented, belief ruled, symbol & image based, etc.

So in that case, I think that we’re all synthesizing East/Left brained and West/Right brained just by being alive…it’s just that we might be more dominant in one area than the other.  For example, I am an intellectually based person, which means that whenever I encounter something new, I first approach it with my mind…and try to understand it. Then, I will absorb the experience  into the other layers of my being.  I originally developed this skill unconsciously, because it is very useful in navigating the world…especially the business world and corporate culture, which is where I cut my teeth.  This approach also protected me, since it kept my heart in check and thus unharmed. 

However, at the same time, I am also very passion-driven and emotional being...but, for most of my life, I tried to keep that aspect hidden very deep within myself…even from myself, at times.   Early in my life, because of experiences that I had, it didn’t seem safe to me, to wear my heart on my sleeve, so to speak. 

As I have matured, I have consciously endeavored to become a more balanced individual, integrating East with West and left with right…this is reflected in the synthesis of belief systems that invoke both Eastern and Western cultural beliefs (like living in the West, while practicing Eastern traditions such as Vedic Astrology and Acupuncture).  To that end, I strive to live a more authentic life, presenting in the moment what I am actually thinking and feeling, as a balanced integrated person.  Of course, old habits die hard, and the answer here as else where seems to be: conscious awareness in every moment of our everyday lives, to the extent that we are willing and capable.

Wk 9: My E-Prime Day

Over the last 2 days Martha and I have been looking at various astrological charts for clients, family and friends.  It appears that the information we received in our last class may be very applicable to people’s lives and experience from the practice we have been doing. 

One person seems to be in the grasp of a particular lunar mansion, called Purva Phalguni, which might be characterized as an angst-ridden, “Dark Night of the Soul”.  The affects of this asterism might be what could be at the root of her anger and rage issues, especially in her marital relationship…because it also appears that her husband may be similarly influenced by this nakshatra, which may be what underlies the snarky nature of their communications.

Wk 8: Descartes has a lot to answer for!

One of my favorite authors is teacher and herbalist Stephen Buhner.  Some of his books include: Sacred Plant Medicine and Sacred Healing Herbal Beers.  But it is in his book, The Lost Language of Plants, that he takes Descartes to task, and I couldn’t agree more.  

Under the heading of “Turning the Universe in a Machine”…”The journey from sacred intelligence at the center of the Universe to a generally accepted belief that the Universe is a great machine devoid of spirit occurred over a number of centuries…and emerged as the new ‘epistemology of reductionism’ through Rene Descartes…Prior to the rise of Christianity, the Romans believed, like most historical cultures, that sacredness and intelligence were present in everything.”

In other words, that which was esteemed with ‘sacred significance’ previously, was now subject to ‘scientific scrutiny’, devoid of the historical respect and the context within which to be understood.   All of the material universe, was broken down into its respective parts, and relegated to its empirical place, relative to everything else.  The whole lost it’s meaning, compared to the detail of its parts.

So, the problem is, that we as humans now so many centuries later, still live culturally within the inherited context that Descartes created for us.  Never mind that his was a highly idiosyncratic perspective, and not even particularly correct of one; but, it is one that has stuck with us as a race.  And even though, quantum physics has long ago disproved the mechanistic perspective as inaccurate, still it is held by many to be the pinnacle of truth and so continues to inform and direct our communal reality.  The real question is, just how long will it take for humanity to embrace the quantum reality of what is, with all it’s ramifications?  Are we ready to embrace that truth?  Time will tell…

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Wk 8: Our “Energy Efficient” Culture

Going Green…it’s in the news everyday.  And yet so is ‘green-washing’ the term used for those unscrupulous individuals who want to jump of the green bandwagon to gain the benefits associated with appearing to be green –but- without truly putting those green practices into effect.  But that’s how it always is about everything, some people are honest, and others are not.

There definitely are changes happening in the world, that show we are moving in the right direction, even if more slowly than some of think we urgently need to.  For example, in 2004, according to author and biologist David  Suzuki, there was the first Green Builders conference, which celebrated the establishment of the Green Building industry complete with best of practices, etc.  Not to mention, there is now the whole new approach to Green Chemistry where manufacturing plants and  their systems are designed from inception with the intent that there are no waste streams created by the manufacturing process.  And whole generations of kids are being raised on the mantra: “Reduce, re-use, and recycle!”

Yet, we still need to be aware of how much energy we use on all levels, especially in the western part of the world…like in America, where we have 5% of the world’s population, while we consume 20% of the world’s resources!

However, as it turns out in 2009, according to the Global Energy Review, world energy consumption decreased for the first time in 30 years (-1.1%) or 130Mtoe, as a result of the financial and economic crisis…so, it seems the Great Recession hasn’t been all bad…

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Week 8: Newtons Laws & Me

In my experience, some of Newton’s laws are right on while others no longer accurately describe the universe that I exist in.  Let’s take them one at a time:

       1)     We are to admit no more causes of natural things such as are both true and sufficient to explains their appearances”…in other words, don’t look for supernatural causes, that’s the domain of the church!  Well, this sort of artificial separation of church and state might work for the purpose of   government (and certainly they protected Newton and allowed him to do his work in a politically charged climate) –but- it does not accurately reflect my world-view.  I believe, that what gives rise to my experience of reality, arises from a local interaction of the non-local, unified field with itself.  It is from this original, intelligent, primordial substance that everything, all vibrations, all emanations, all material substance emerges; which includes both natural and supernatural phenomenon.
2)     The same natural effects must be assigned to the same causes, ie: cause & effect”.  Restated, this law means that to every action there is an opposite and equal reaction.  Well, interestingly enough, I was originally going to argue that this law doesn’t realistically reflect the law of Karma, which is what I equate it to.  However, according to our Vedic Astrology teacher, Hart de Fouw, it most certainly does.  So, I stand corrected, and learn once more at a still deeper level.  Here’s what Hart has to say about Karma:

“The Law of Karma is another name for Newton’s Third Law of Motion…as such it is inherent in the universe’s structure: ‘The doctrine of act and fruit, is less a product of man’s sense of justice, that one shall be punished for what one has done, than a necessary consequence of the doctrine of inherent efficacy of the acts’.  In other words, the tree and the thing from which it sprang cannot exist simultaneously; the former must develop from the latter.  Events occur in our universe according to a sequence which is scheduled by the Law of Karma on the great calendar known as time.”

So, basically, this law is still fully in effect in my life…

3)     “Qualities of bodies are to be esteemed universal”…Well, we know from Quantum Mechanics that the classical laws of Physics breakdown in the Quantum Mechanical environment…where things do not behave as one would expect.  So, in an expanded view of the universe, this law loses its integrity in my estimation.

4)   “Properties deduced form the observation of phenomena”…in other words, the ‘Scientific Method’.  Again, here I would take issue with Newton’s view since we know that this also breaks down under the circumstances of Quantum Mechanics…where the observer actually influences the experiment.  This then, would mean that these observations can’t be viewed objectively as accurate, because as such they are more a reflection of the state of consciousness of the mind that perceived them, than they are of an independent statement of objective, scientific fact.