Friday, December 3, 2010

Acupuncture: Energy Medicine & Energy Fields

Over 5,000 years ago the Chinese discovered a set of subtle energy channels that serve as rivers of energy -or- light that connect the macrocosm, the external universe, with the microcosm of the pulsing, living tissues inside us.  These channels are called meridians, and modalities based on them are called meridian-based therapies, which assist in balancing the flow of qi in the body, the subtle energy required for life.  Meridians are pathways for different kinds of physical & subtle energies and they transport chemical, electrical and etheric energies reflected in the human body as an electrical-magnetic phenomenon.

Through our Physics studies, we have come to realize that the physical body and its related systems operate under the laws of classical physics, just as everything else in the physical universe.  Essentially underlying all the biochemical, physical systems there is the quantum field of the energetic body.  Here, the more subtle realm of the energetic body operates under the laws of quantum physics.  The physical body correlates with the left brained, logical, analytical functioning of the brain where as the subtle energy of the body maps to the right brain, and the morphogenic fields.

In discussing the field of Energy Medicine, it is pertinent to include the various forms in which it is expressed in the human body:

  • Electricity in the form of electrons & protons: every cell in the body stores & emits electricity.  Every breath we take, muscle we move, morsel of food we digest involves electrical activity.  Likewise, memories, feelings and thoughts are encoded in patterns of tiny electrical impulses.
  • Electromagnetic fields of energy are created by the activity of organs, such as the brain and heart, which create an  these fields as the result of the electrical activity they generate.   Similarly, electromagnetic frequencies can be found in the areas of the body where a chakra is located.
  • Subtle energies, or rivers of light, that transport life energy in and around the body, including:
  1. Meridians - energy transport systems that feed vital energies to their related organs and reflect pathological disturbances in those organs, providing a highly effective tool for diagnosis as well as therapy;
  2. Chakras - energy transforming stations: major centers of both electromagnetic activity and vital energy are recognized in indigenous cultures the world over; imprints of important or emotionally significant events are recorded in chakra energy, which parallels neural memory.  Chakras can pull energy in from the environment and distribute it in your body as well as send energy outward.
  3. Aura: surrounds the human body and contains the energy field, while it links with the chakra energy body.
  4. The Five Rhythms - as embodied in the Five Elements of Chinese Medicine and reflected in the macrocosm as the seasons, and the correspondences of the elements; and in the microcosm of the physical body as the circadian, cranial sacral  and other rhythms.

Classical thought and research suggest that both the meridians and the chakras are linked through electromagnetic channels or bodies, and therefore relate through positive and negative charges.  In both the chakra system and the acupuncture points, emotions play a vital role in creating the internal situations that can lead to health or disease.  A person can direct these subtle energies with intention, because energy follows intent.

 In Chinese Medicine, illness is seen as the imbalance or energetic disturbance in the body’s systems; and conversely, healing is the restoring of the energetic balance in these same systems. 

According to Dr. Albert Villoldo, an expert on indigenous shamanism, traditional shamanic healers report that they work on a luminous energy field of light, “rios de luz“, that serves as the template for all aspects of our being.  Chakras and meridians are part of this luminous energy field that creates and sustains physical reality, and which emanates from the subtler realms of the unified field of spirit, the ground state of our being.

Ever increasing numbers of scientists are proposing that the meridian system is part of a secondary electrical system - one that is related to - but different from, the established circulatory and central nervous systems.  One such scientist, Dr. Bjorn Nordenstrom, a Swedish radiologist has discovered through his research that electricity as well as blood flows through the blood stream; but seems to feed to related, but different, systems.  His work also at least partially explains how meridians and acupuncture points work, which he says are anchored in electromagnetism:

  • The points serve as transceivers of subtle energy signals from the outside world, much like a sophisticated radar system.
  •  These sites receive all types of energies, physical and subtle
  • This may explain the placebo and nocebo effects, since messages of faith or belief can also filter into the acupoints and create a shift in this secondary electrical system and promote healing.
Dr. Nordenstrom concludes that the forces flowing in the secondary system can be thought of as qi, and the negative and positive charges as yin and yang.  He suggests this secondary system is the meridian system, at least in part.  The bio-electro-magnetic forces influence the body as a whole, revealed in the five elements, their associated organs and correspondences.

Another perspective is put forth by Dr. Willian Tiller, whose theory explains how meridians interface the etheric, subtle energies of the physical body.  His research is primarily based on connective tissue and meridian science, showing that there is an slight electrical resistance between any two acupuncture points.  Tiller says that meridians process physical as well as subtle energies and further postulates that there are particles called ‘deltrons’ that connect the two energies.  Based on this theory, Tiller claims that:

  • Meridians, that lie in connective tissue, are like antennae for subtle energies.
  • These antennae are primarily at the etheric level, versus the physical, which is why it’s hard to correlate their existence with existing instrumentation.
  • Subtle energy waves flow along the etheric meridians, creating the flow of energy through the channel
These stimulations, in turn, generate endorphins in the blood stream, which generate enkaphalines in the brain - the natural opiates of the body.  Similarly, seratonin has been found to serve as an acupuncture analgesic in both the brain and the spinal cord.

In reviewing the above, we can see that Acupuncture as a modality is uniquely skilled to heal and bring into balance the physical body and it’s functionality, in addition to the subtle energy body and it’s functions as well, treating all levels of an individual: body, mind and spirit as one contiguous whole.

Week 11: Human intent and it’s effect on health

The first thing my herb teacher taught us was: Energy follows intent…whether we are cognizant of it or not.  What this refers to is the incredible creative power we wield as human beings.  This power is directed by our minds, and is especially effective when utilized in states of non-ordinary reality, such as those created through shamanic journeying, guided visualization, trance states and meditation. 

Deepak Chopra talks about planting the seeds of our intent during our mediations, and then watering them with our focused attention during ordinary waking reality.

The problem is that many of us are unaware of the power that we truly embody, and so this can manifest as energetic leaks, when we are unconscious of how we utilize the gifts of our creativity, given to us by Divinity.  The solution, is as always: awareness! 

Week 11: What conclusions can be drawn from Kirlian photography?

Kirlian photography is an electrogaphy process that captures the auras or biofields of people and other sentient beings.  There are those who believe that these images show a physical form of psychic energy, while other believe that it reveals the etheric body, an integral part of the aura, which all beings have. 

Whether it reflects the aura or psychic energy, the value of Kirlian photography is that there is some evidence that it can give indications of the health and emotional changes in living beings based on the changes in the brightness, color and patterns of light.  Similarly, Kirliran photography shows that there is a correlation between the biological energies of the human body and Acupuncture points.  Hopefully, this intriguing evidence provided by this technology will spur research that will inform us more deeply about the underlying efficacy of Chinese Medicine as well as our own bodies.

Week 11: Acupuncture as effective energy medicine

Acupuncture as a modality is uniquely designed to treat all aspects of an individual including the body mind and spirit.  While the health of the body can be reflected in the gross physical structures, the mind and spirit are accessed and reflected in the subtle, etheric fields…which is the arena of energy medicine.

In truth these various expressions of a human being form a contiguous whole of energy, starting on the most subtlest level of the causal field, and they are nested within each other like so many Russian dolls.  We then move to sequentially more dense energy expressions leading from the astral, mental, emotional, etheric and finally to  the densest field of all: the  physical body. 

Because of Acupuncture’s unique worldview, which includes the body, mind and spirit, it can access and affect all the levels of a being, and effectively bring ithe microcosm back into balance and harmony with the macrocosm.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Wk. 10: Biophysics & Oriental Medicine

According to Wikipedia, Biophysics is an interdisciplinary science that uses the methods of physical science to study biological systems…from the molecular scale to whole organisms and ecosystems.”

TCM is similar to Biophysics in that it strives to understand the individual as the microcosm, against the background of the macrocosm of the local universe and ultimately the cosmos.  And so we have our different ‘systems’ approaches to an organism: from digestive to circulatory, respiratory to nervous…and each of these informs the others and interconnects with them, through the larger overarching discipline of TCM. 

Also, like Biophysics, TCM employs different tools and practices to inform our understanding of an organism; using underlying theories of energy flow to formulate a diagnosis, and employing the recommended therapies of acupuncture, Chinese herbs, tuina/tai chi/ gi gong, lifestyle counseling and food therapy to return balance to the system as a whole.

So, from my perspective, Biophysics and TCM are very similar, approaching the same issue of health, from the differing perspectives of East and West, and the cultural contexts from which each sprang.

Wk 10: I know I’m a living system because…

One of the definitions of Living Systems is having a “history of never-ending transformation”… another definition for a Living System is “Autopoiesis“ (which means auto-production) as cognized by Varela, Maturana and Uribe is one in which the “system is constantly in the act of becoming themselves.  This includes: changing and interacting with their environment in a conscious way”.   In which case, my life definitely qualifies.  If there is one thing that is the hallmark of my experience, it is transformation.  In fact the quintessential metaphor for this, of a caterpillar turning into a butterfly, is an iconic image that has come to me many times in meditation and ceremony.

On the external level of career I have repeatedly transformed myself, going from the Music Industry to Film & Video, to Multi-media, to the web and finally to being an organic farmer/body worker and student of acupuncture.

Interpersonally, my primary partner relationship has transformed over my life  (whether I wanted it to at the time –or- not!) as one relationship ended and another began.  And of course, throughout all of this, my internal environment, (my mind/psyche, emotions and spirit) has grown and changed as well, as I embrace different belief systems and worldviews.   And of course, my body has gone through (and continues to go through) changes and shifts of weight, and health, as it encounters the challenges of accidents, dis-ease, stress and life’s experiences.

When I look at all of this within the context of my astrological chart, it can all be seen mapped out before me, as the planetary periods tick-off the space-time coordinates.  And given this over arching framework for my life, that astrology provides, I would have to say, that yes…through out all this growth, development and change, the constant is that I am ever becoming more and more who I have come to know as my essential self.

Wk. 9 Can I synthesize East & West?

I think of East & West as the two halves of our brain: left and right.  The East/left brain is more linear, logical, detail-driven, individualistic, scientific fact ruled, words & language based; whereas the East/right brain is more holistic, analogic, big-picture oriented, belief ruled, symbol & image based, etc.

So in that case, I think that we’re all synthesizing East/Left brained and West/Right brained just by being alive…it’s just that we might be more dominant in one area than the other.  For example, I am an intellectually based person, which means that whenever I encounter something new, I first approach it with my mind…and try to understand it. Then, I will absorb the experience  into the other layers of my being.  I originally developed this skill unconsciously, because it is very useful in navigating the world…especially the business world and corporate culture, which is where I cut my teeth.  This approach also protected me, since it kept my heart in check and thus unharmed. 

However, at the same time, I am also very passion-driven and emotional being...but, for most of my life, I tried to keep that aspect hidden very deep within myself…even from myself, at times.   Early in my life, because of experiences that I had, it didn’t seem safe to me, to wear my heart on my sleeve, so to speak. 

As I have matured, I have consciously endeavored to become a more balanced individual, integrating East with West and left with right…this is reflected in the synthesis of belief systems that invoke both Eastern and Western cultural beliefs (like living in the West, while practicing Eastern traditions such as Vedic Astrology and Acupuncture).  To that end, I strive to live a more authentic life, presenting in the moment what I am actually thinking and feeling, as a balanced integrated person.  Of course, old habits die hard, and the answer here as else where seems to be: conscious awareness in every moment of our everyday lives, to the extent that we are willing and capable.