Sunday, November 28, 2010

Wk. 9 Can I synthesize East & West?

I think of East & West as the two halves of our brain: left and right.  The East/left brain is more linear, logical, detail-driven, individualistic, scientific fact ruled, words & language based; whereas the East/right brain is more holistic, analogic, big-picture oriented, belief ruled, symbol & image based, etc.

So in that case, I think that we’re all synthesizing East/Left brained and West/Right brained just by being alive…it’s just that we might be more dominant in one area than the other.  For example, I am an intellectually based person, which means that whenever I encounter something new, I first approach it with my mind…and try to understand it. Then, I will absorb the experience  into the other layers of my being.  I originally developed this skill unconsciously, because it is very useful in navigating the world…especially the business world and corporate culture, which is where I cut my teeth.  This approach also protected me, since it kept my heart in check and thus unharmed. 

However, at the same time, I am also very passion-driven and emotional being...but, for most of my life, I tried to keep that aspect hidden very deep within myself…even from myself, at times.   Early in my life, because of experiences that I had, it didn’t seem safe to me, to wear my heart on my sleeve, so to speak. 

As I have matured, I have consciously endeavored to become a more balanced individual, integrating East with West and left with right…this is reflected in the synthesis of belief systems that invoke both Eastern and Western cultural beliefs (like living in the West, while practicing Eastern traditions such as Vedic Astrology and Acupuncture).  To that end, I strive to live a more authentic life, presenting in the moment what I am actually thinking and feeling, as a balanced integrated person.  Of course, old habits die hard, and the answer here as else where seems to be: conscious awareness in every moment of our everyday lives, to the extent that we are willing and capable.

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