To me the study of Quantum Physics is a method to assuage the worries of my intellectual mind and help it to understand the perennial truths of the mystics and ancient seers down through the ages, which my heart holds to be true. Books like the Tao of Physics and the Dancing Wu Li Masters spoke volumes to me in my early life as a closeted spiritual person. Back then, I started having some weird experiences after a severe head injury…I thought for sure I was losing my mind and cracking up! But, luckily for me, my friend Thomas, assured me I wasn’t going crazy, just leaving my body and astral travelling, terms I had not heard before then. Thomas pointed me to the above books in an effort to help me open my mind and calm my nerves. Needless to say, an entire world opened up to me, and I never looked back. The world has become a much more magical, alive and conscious place to inhabit since!
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