Sunday, September 19, 2010

Wk 1: Reflections on the Meaning of Time

The concept of time, and hence the meaning we assign it, is a function of humanity’s collective agreement regarding the nature of ordinary reality. We may not even realize that we are participating in the construction of our experience of reality. However, there are those who have a different concept of time, or lack thereof. Shamans, frequently inhabit what they would call non-ordinary reality, and in this state of consciousness, time as we know it does not exit. It is common for a shaman on an ecstatic journey to inhabit multiple locations or dimensions in time/space simultaneously, for the purpose of healing someone’s soul by returning parts that have been lost during trauma, illness or an accident.

Similarly, swamis and yogis frequently access higher vibrational states of awareness through, meditation and yoga, in an effort to know the essence of themselves and the nature of reality more deeply and fully. These states are completely outside of what most folks would identify with as our normal, waking state consciousness, that we inhabit daily.

So, as I see it, the meaning of time is a construct and tool -which- reflects the state of consciousness we inhabit.

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