I think the 4 Forces are human kinds best attempt to understand and explain the world around them, using their 5 senses. Problem is, ‘perception rules experience’ and our beliefs, judgments, desires and aversions determine our perception of what is.
Maya, on the other hand, is a Vedic concept – the word refers to the illusion of physical and mental reality that we operate under. “Life and Death are relatives of thought only” according to Vedanta, the Indian philosophy that further points out that “God is the only Reality; all creation or separate existence is maya or illusion”.
So what does this have to do with the 4 Forces?
We all live our lives with the expectation that the reality we perceive and experience is True. Yet, from a Vedic perspective this reality is clouded by maya.
Sri Yukteshwar states in Autobiography of a Yogi, that “Causal beings realize that the physical cosmos is not primarily constructed of electrons, nor is the astral cosmos basically composed of lifetrons – both in reality are created from the minutest particles of God-thought, chopped and divided by maya, the law of relativity that apparently intervenes to separate creation from its Creator” .
After considering both the current scientific paradigm and the ancient, time tested Vedantic one, I would have to say that I’m leaning heavily toward the latter. Until we modern humans break out of the reality perceived solely through our 5 sensory organs, we won’t be able to make the paradigm shift needed to understand how the forces underpinning the universe truly work. Einstein said it best, we must try to understand and know the mind of God.
again a beautiful post, and image! where do you find them and how do you post them? thank you for sharing your wisdom.