Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Wk 5: My symmetrical/asymmetrical world

Well, I tend to be a pretty left-brained, intellectually centered person.   I like order and organization.  So, I naturally gravitate to symmetry in my home and surroundings.  And since I tend to also be somewhat emotionally and psychically sensitive, so symmetry gives me a feeling of clear boundaries delineating and protecting my personal space. 

I’ve noticed that whenever I travel and spend time in another place and space I have a need to organize my things in a somewhat symmetrical, ritualistic manner, so as to give myself a sense of continuity amongst the different surroundings while I’m there.

I’ve also observed that too much organization is rigid and boring and can turn my mind off and make me feel stagnant and uncreative.  There’s a certain amount of spontaneity, asymmetry and general chaos that is needed to enliven life or it becomes stale and monotonous.

That being said, life happens and so does clutter…order/disorder…the eternal yin/yang.

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