Sunday, October 3, 2010

Wk 4: What is the function of gravity?

Well, classically we have learned that gravity is one of the ‘4 Forces’, the “fundamental interactions of nature in which objects of mass attract one another”…in other words, it seems to be one of the weaker forces, that nonetheless, holds the universe together.

Well, if you were to ask a Shipibo Shaman from the Amazon what holds their world together, they would say it is ‘love’…the force of attraction, that acts as the glue that bond us together.  Love is one of the 3 fundametnal forces for the Shipibo that create each of our underlying divine patterns that we are born with.  The other 2 forces are, wisdom (the innate intelligence of the universe) and energy (qi, in our world view).  The teacher plants have explained to the shamans that these essential ingredients underlie and shine forth with a divine light, which is the energetic blueprint for our body, mind and soul.  When we experience a trauma or a tragic event, it carries its own pattern.  But, this pattern is one of disharmony with our original divine pattern, and obscures the underlying celestial light.  Using medicinal herbs, which are purgative in nature, in combination with singing of healing songs help to unwind the traumatic patterns.  Thus, returning the individual to their original state of health and wholeness.

And yet from a different perspective, one more in alignment with TCM and Ayurveda, Dr. Hiroshi Motoyama, Japanese scholar, scientist as well as a yogi, philosopher and Shinto priest has this insightful perspective, specific to our question:

 “Matter is a kind of accumulation of energy in a fixed order. Chaos is energy but random, not in order. But when the energy is fixed, in order, in a certain frequency, etc, it becomes quantum, and this quantum is the origin of mass. So this quantum forms an electron or a proton or nucleus and thence an atom. The atoms combine and they make molecules and the molecules combine to make DNA and protein and then us: matter-with-consciousness. So any kind of mass is created by energy. This energy is now divided into four kinds: the weak nuclear, strong nuclear, the electromagnetic and gravitational. Before it was divided into these four, maybe the energy was one and this energy, I think, is the ki energy. (Both ki energy and physical energy are important in healing and this has been the focus of my work.)”

Makes sense to me, once again, it’s all about ‘qi’.  Our medicine rocks!

To read the full article the above paragraph was excerpted from, go to:


  1. I really like the idea of thinking of gravity as love. Why not? Love is the thing that draws us to each other on a macro physical level, so why not on the atomic and particle level too. It is interesting to think of love as more than an emotion and perhaps as a combination of emotion and energetic connection.

  2. your posts rock! I too agree, love is the all and in between and wisdom and matter. Maybe we should call that lovetron, wisdomon and matterion. If we had to come up for a unit of measurement for love or wisdom, what would we call it?
