Monday, October 18, 2010

Wk 6: Are all vibrations “good”?

Well, “good” invokes its opposite pairing: “bad” - and - both can have highly subjective meanings.   So, for the purpose of this post I am going to take good to mean beneficial, as compared to its opposite category as detrimental.

So, are all vibrations beneficial?  Personally, I don’t think so.  As a matter of fact, I think that some vibrations are definitely detrimental and even downright destructive!  Just take the examples of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge and the Nimitz Freeway from our class this week.   

The problem in  both cases comes down to the issue of wave Resonance…and this can be filed under “too much of a good thing”.   Since the problem in the case of “Galloping Gertie” was that both the bridge and the wind had the same natural frequency; and when (2) things impart energy at the same frequency, they amplify each other.  And this was the same situation that caused the bridge to collapse in the case of the Nimitz Freeway in Oakland during the quake.  Only there, we had 3 factors all in Resonance: the mud that bridge was built on, the earthquake and the bridge itself.  So, then what we have is 2.5 Hz. to the 3rd power, which in this case led to the collapse.

On the other hand, vibrations not only can be beneficial, but they can have soothing and even healing effects for all life forms.  In this case, I am thinking of countless vibratory sounds that can be used to invoke a relaxing and rejuvenating state of mind; from the human voice and nature sounds to instruments of all kinds, but in particular: a shaman’s drum and percussive instruments of all kinds, singing bowls, the didgeridoo, and Acutonics Sound Healing forks ( to name but a few.

Even the vibratory resonance of certain kinds of classical orchestral music can encourage and support the growth and development of the natural world.  In their groundbreaking work, “The Secret Life of Plants” the authors, Peter Thompkins and Christpher Bird, explore what is referred to as “Birdsong” or “the morning chorus of the birds awakens the earth”. 

I found the following review and commentary on New Physics News Archive website, under the article:  The Dawn Chorus and Life Forces by Cornelis van Dalen. Here is an excerpt:In their book, the authors describe the development of Dan Carlson’s Sonic Bloom, whose “desire to see that no one need be hungry through shortage of food has sought to understand the optimum growth of plants"…

The secret of Sonic Bloom was the development of music of the same frequency as the dawn chorus of the birds… Many others have, it seems, recognized the role of birdsong in the growth of plants, and influenced or directly helped Carlson to develop his invention… With the help of a Minneapolis music teacher, Michael Holtz, a cassette was prepared…Holtz found the “Spring” movement of Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons appropriate and concludes: “I realized that Vivaldi, in his day, must have known all about birdsong, which he tried to imitate in his long violin passages.”…

Holtz, it is related by the authors Bird and Tompkins, also realized that the violin music dominant in “Spring” reflected Johann Sebastian Bach’s violin sonatas broadcast by the Ottawa University researchers to a wheat field, which had obtained remarkable crops with 66 percent greater yield than average, with larger and heavier seeds…

Birdsong has long been loved, but also studied with reference to the musical scale and harmonics. As Holtz deepened his study he said, “I began to feel that God had created the birds for more than just freely flying about and warbling. Their very singing must somehow be intimately linked to the mysteries of seed germination and plant growth.”

What the authors found out through their research was that when Heavy Metal was played the plants literally grew in the opposite direction of the speakers.  But, when they played Vivaldi, the plants not only grew toward the speakers, they entwined themselves around them!

To read the full article, go to:, it’s a facinating read...or check out the original book.

To view the “Secret Life of Plants” documentary, with music by Stevie Wonder, go to:  Enjoy!

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