Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Wk 5: Are there connections between Sacred Geometry & Physics?

Both science and mathematics, as well as the arts (as expressed in sacred geometry), recognize the same underlying laws of the Universe, just through different modes of perception: one is a more left-brained approach, and the other more right-brained.  The Golden Mean or Ratio has fascinated intellectual and creative minds since ancient times.  It’s very meaning underlies geometry, whose aesthetics have been appreciated by artists, architects, and designers as well as mathematicians and scientists through the ages.

Similarly, fractals occur throughout the natural world and can be observed everywhere in nature from the frost crystals that form on glass, in the myriad shapes of snowflakes, the unfurling of ferns leaves as well as in the shape of certain fruits an vegetables, such as Romanesco Broccoli.   These incredibly complex structures have inspired artists and scientists throughout the ages, creating a whole new credible school of study, known as chaos theory: the study of “these complex systems and their relationship between math and life”.  Other applications for fractals, which “describe many highly irregular real-world objects” include: new music, signal and image compression, computers and video game design, fashion and medicine.

So, truth be told, Physics and Sacred Geometry are two different, yet related, perspectives for observing and participating in one in the same phenomenon: life!

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